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Deep in the Game US Tour Ongoing

The 2014 Discmania - Deep in the Game US Tour is in full effect as we are currently traveling throughout the southern United States and hosting our Disc Golf Instructional Clinics. For this tour, we have selected 17 of the Biggest Disc Golf regions in the Southern US to begin our 13-week Spring Tour throughout 20 States and covering 8,000+ miles. We realize that Disc Golf in these areas of the country is on the rise and we want to be a part of helping to increase the number of players, passion for the game and enjoyment for the sport through proper Disc Golf instruction.

For those that might not know, the Discmania Deep in the Game - the extremely popular series of instructional Disc Golf videos has been one of the most popular resources for all Disc Golfers looking to better their game since its inception in summer 2012. In just about 18 months the completely free videos have gathered over 450,000 views on Discmania’s YouTube account. By the time these videos were published they set a new standard in production quality of any Disc Golf videos to date and still remain to be probably the most professional and informative set of Disc Golf technique tips available anywhere on the web.

The players that will be attending these clinics will be receiving top-notch instruction by Simon Lizotte and I, both being world-class professionals. We will be covering a majority of the techniques and concepts associated with backhand, forehand, approaching and putting. There will be a lot of information given during these clinics but we will be sure to leave everyone with some very important key points to remember and some things to work on during their practice and training sessions.

We had great time in Houston, Texas! We had great time in Houston, Texas!

We are offering the clinics to a maximum of 30 participants at a time to allow for the clinic to be more manageable and run more efficiently. Plus I believe that the players that attend get a lot more out of the clinic as opposed to us teaching in larger groups because it really comes down to making sure that the participants gain some usable and applicable information to apply to their game.

These Instructional Clinics are offered to a smaller groups of players to enable a more personal experience for those that attend. I have found that players that have attended previous clinics have strongly benefited from having more one-on-one interactions with us as instructors. This also allows for extra time to provided supplemental instruction if needed to ensure that everyone is getting most out of these clinics.

We are there for the players and we realize that by having a direct effect on the growth of Disc Golf by providing such instructional information that it is going to allow the participants to improve as players. By becoming better players they will most definitely enjoy the game of Disc Golf more and get more out of it. The more that they grow to love the game, the more that they want to share what they love with those around them (family, friends, etc). The more people that pick up a disc and start to play only helps to grow the sport of Disc Golf in a positive way.

All of the details and information regarding our Deep in the Game - Disc Golf Instructional Tour can be found at: https://www.discmania.net/deep-in-the-game/us-tour/

Each clinic will last approximately 2+ hours, containing comprehensive instructions on how to better your game. Attendees will also get personal advice on how to work on their form and other aspects that they may need to see some process. The minimum amount of attendees for each clinic is 15 persons and maximum is 30, so you may need to act fast to secure your spot!

Simon enjoying tour life on top of the #discmaniatour motorhome at Grand Canyon Simon enjoying tour life on top of the #discmaniatour motorhome at Grand Canyon

The Deep in the Game Tour continues through our current travels throughout Texas and runs all the way through San Francisco, California at the end of May. Most of the clinic dates have been already set allowing for us to still play on the weekends and travel during the week, but if you’re interested in hosting one in your city please contact me for more details:

2014 Discmania Deep in the Game US Tour Coordinator Avery Jenkins



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