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Disc Golf Academy – Off Season Training (Endurance)

Disc Golf Academy

We've titled 2018 The Year of the Shield and to help two of the best professionals in disc golf get off to the best start possible, we sent Simon Lizotte and Eagle McMahon to Switzerland for a five week bootcamp with G-Balance Disc Golf. Led by Andreas and Irene Gertsch, G-Balance Disc Golf put Lizotte and McMahon through an intense off-season training plan to help them prepare for the season again.

We've partnered with G-Balance Disc Golf for a series of four videos as part of our Disc Golf Academy. The four videos will highlight plans you can put in place yourself to help get ready for this disc golf season. The first video highlights Endurance with the next videos showcasing speed and control, strength, and agility.

Endurance Tips

Our coaches details how endurance is basis for all sports and how it plays a role in disc golf. Coach Gertsch helps detail the three types of endurance training to focus on:

  1. Basic Endurance
  2. Recovery Training
  3. Interval Training

Coach Gertsch recommends by training four days a week, you'll see results sooner than you might expect.

Both McMahon and Lizotte saw benefits from this training, but Lizotte might have summed it up best when he said, "Just being a talented frisbee thrower is not enough. I now really understand what they mean by 'reinventing your game'."

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