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A look back on 2011 Pro Worlds

The Disc Golf World Championships ended on Saturday (Aug 13th) and the final round for men's Open division was played at Pinto Lake Disc Golf Course in Santa Cruz, California. If you haven't had the chance to check out the scores yet, here's where you'll find them.

This years Pro Worlds were also the final proving ground for young team Discmania (& Innova) player Will Schusterick who played a great tournament and was placed second in the competition. At last years USDGC Will exploded to the awareness of the Disc Golf world by being the youngest United States Disc Golf Champion to date (18-years-old at the time). Winning the championship in such a young age raised concern among doubters whether Will would be able to keep his game in the same level in the 2011 tour. With an A-tier win (SOKY DGC), 4th place in the European Open and now second place at the PDGA Pro Worlds Will has definitely proven himself as a household name in the Lead Cards of the biggest disc golf tournaments in the world. Watch out discgolfers of the world - no matter how big of a competition, Will Schusterick is defintely a force to be reckoned with!

The next Team Discmania phenom is already in the making, as only 16-year-old Seppo Paju from Turku, Finland was placed 32nd in his first Open division World Championships. A solid tournament for the currently 1003-rated Seppo is a great start for the future competitions in the MPO to come, but what really made Seppo's name recognizable was his amazing second shot at the distance showcase on Thursday. The Teaser video has already been viewed almost 70 000 times in youtube with the number still on the rise. Once again: Amazing shot Seppo!

You will definitely be hearing from this great young athlete more in the future.

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