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Alden Harris Joins Team Discmania!

Welcome to Team Discmania, Alden Harris!

We are proud to announce we have inked a two year contract with Alden. With this announcement, we want to give you a deeper look at Alden’s disc golf history and what makes him one of disc golf’s fastest rising talents.

A New Driver

Alden’s disc golf journey started with a family camping trip. The campground they visited hosted a disc golf course and also rented discs for a fun, relaxing, family outdoor experience. During the trip, Alden and his family played several times. Little did they know, it was the beginning of an even bigger journey filled with friends, videos, road trips, hard work, and Reinvention.

Years later, a 16 year-old Alden finally earned his drivers license. He loved traveling the roads by himself which drew him to look for new destinations. After deciding a park with a disc golf course seemed like a good spot, his love for driving his car quickly turned into a love for driving disc golf discs down the fairway.

Pushing Limits

A simple yet inspiring philosophy drove Alden from the beginning - “Give everything your absolute best.”

Quickly after discovering his performance on the course was solely up to him, Alden dedicated himself to being the best he could possibly be at the sport. He sometimes honed his form for eight or more hours in a day, until his arm was too sore to throw.

When we asked Alden what goals drive him, the answer was never a specific win or achievement. He wants to push his limits, give his all in the moment, and discover how far he can take it.

“Whatever I have my mindset on, I’ll do anything I can to get better at it."

Alden’s spirit of self-motivation, determination, and presence of mind elevated him quickly to elite level competition and acclaim in disc golf media.

The Journey to New Horizons

Along with these core values, Alden brings significant competitive and creative prowess. Some of Alden’s career highlights thus far include;

  • 2022 Mid America Open Champion
  • 2018 United States Junior Disc Golf Champion
  • 2020 Music City Open Champion
  • 2022 Challenge at Goat Hill Champion

Along with tournament wins, Alden accrued over 16 million views on his YouTube channel in 2023. We look forward to bringing Alden’s personality and content to Discmaniacs while empowering his independent creative vision.

Alden’s First Discmania Disc

Ready to Reinvent his Game, Alden picked one of our most unique molds as his first Discmania disc - the Mutant! Hearing this would be Alden’s go-to for approaches, we quickly went to work crafting a special Alden Harris Team Discmania Vapor Mutant.

Grab this special release starting Wednesday, January 17th at 9:00 AM Mountain Time!

Welcome Alden, to Team Discmania!

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