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Community Spotlight: New Discmania S-Line

It's been a big month for us here at Discmania and Discmaniacs around the world. The long awaited new Discmania S-Line dropped, accompanied by our biggest giveaway ever! We were pleased to find that many Discmaniacs took up the cause to test out their new S-Line, and we couldn't be happier with its reception. 

The Gift of Giving

Putting new discs in 1000 peoples' hands had our spirits high. Getting a surprise package with the big red Shield is always awesome!



 Love at First Throw

It didn't take long for Discmaniacs to give the latest and greatest a try. Check out some of these awesome shots!



The Results Are In!

As we saw more S-Line arriving to giveaway winners, team members, and dealers we anxiously awaited to hear how they performed for the masses. Overwhelmingly reviews came in praising the great grip, high glide, and awesome colorways!



S-Line to Dye For

With the reinvention of S-Line comes the revival of bright crystal clear dyes we can't keep our eyes off of! 


Want to be featured in our next Community Spotlight? Make sure to follow us using the links below and tag us on all your Discmania pictures and videos! 

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