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Copenhagen Open Preview

The traditional EuroTour A-tier event, Copenhagen Open will be competed this weekend at the beautiful Valbyparken Disc Golf course. Discmania is the main sponsor of this event and the players are in for treat, as some spanking new Discmania plastic will be featured at the players pack this year. Many Team Discmania players will also be fighting for spots at the podium along with a very competitive field consisting of 135 players around Europe and beyond. The Team Discmania line-up for CPH Open looks like this:

Seppo Paju (MPO)

Jussi Meresmaa (MPO)

Leo Piironen (MPO)

Juho Rantalaiho (MPO)

Vincent Le Moigne (MPO)

Angelica Frantz (FPO)

Seppo Paju at CPH Open 2011. Copyright: discen.dk

Interview: CPH Open TD Sinus Frank

We got a word with the Tournament Director of the event, Sinus Frank. Read his thoughts about the upcoming tournament:

Q: It's already the seventh edition of CPH Open. For how long have you been involved with the tournament and which year is the most memorable for yourself?

SF: I have been TD of Copenhagen Open since we started in 2006, and it is a great privilige to be able still to host one of the most popular EuroTours. 2008 has probably been the most exciting year, since we back then got a 30.000 DKK cash sponsorship. We had David Feldberg come for the first time, and he hosted a "VIP clinic" for the sponsoring company on Friday before the tournament. We also had a VIP tent for the sponsoring company and their business relations during the weekend, with wine, tapas, disc golf DVDs on big screen etc. This year will probably be memorable too, since we have upgraded to 27 holes, 135 players, great tournament center, etc.

Q: What is your favorite hole in this 27-hole layout?

SF: There are many favorite holes on the course, since I designed almost all of them myself ;). But if I should pick one, I guess it should be hole 10. Although hole 24 is just really pretty, simple and still nerve wrecking ;).

Click to enlarge. Copenhagen Open 2012 course map. Click to enlarge.

Q: Which hole do you consider the toughest?

SF: The ones, that will be talked most about, will probably be 14 and 22. They seem difficult and maybe even tight/unfair, but it's all in your mind - they can be played relatively safe. I think the most difficult hole would be #7. There are so many precise shots needed to make the par here - even though an eagle is in principle possible! Hole 17 is also difficult, compared to the par. Not many birdies will be made here.

Q: Who do you think will take the victory home this year in each division?

SF: I think David Feldberg will be hard to beat in Open division. Dave is always playing good in Europe and his form seem to be coming back. In Women division, I think Camilla Jernberg will win again like in 2011, but Ragna Bygde could be a hard competitor with her long drives. I see Master division very open this year, but if I should pick a winner, it would be Kari Vesala. He has been here many times and now some of the course and the environment. But top rated Dan Johansson has also been here many times, and if he can find his game, he can score very low. In Grandmaster I don't think the legendary Derek Robins can be beat, and in Juniors I really don't now - those guys are all new to me ;).

Q: What would you like to say to US players considering taking the trip next summer?

SF: US players can expect a tournament held with very high quality on all levels. The field is always the best in Europe, the course is challenging and we have some nice overall details not seen elsewhere. Just ask David Feldberg, who will play here for the third time in 2012.

We really hope to be able to host a Major in 2013, but it still depends on a few things to be settled. Here we hope to plan other tournaments close to Copenhagen Open, to make overseas players trip worthwhile with lots of disc golf in Europe to travel for.

CPH Open 2011 Winner KJ Nybo nailing a long birdie putt. Copyright: Discen.dk

The whole Discmania Staff is looking forward for an awesome weekend of Disc Golf at Copenhagen. If you're following the tournament from home, here's some links you may want to check out:

The CPH Open website

Results page @ PDGA.com

Official Facebook event

Fantasy Disc Golf

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