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Deep in the Game hits USA

The extremely popular series of instructional Disc Golf videos, Discmania Deep in the Game, has been the number 1 resource for all Disc Golfers looking to better their game since its inception in summer 2012. In just about 18 months the completely free videos have gathered over 450 000 views on our YouTube account. By the time these videos were published they set a new standard in production quality of any Disc Golf videos to date and still remain to be the most professional and informative set of Disc Golf technique tips available anywhere on the web.

avery_clinic_tampere_umeet_500 Avery Jenkins giving instructions on Deep in the Game tour in Tampere, Finland. Photo credit: Teemu Laukkarinen

Last summer Avery Jenkins and Discmania organized a tour of instructional clinics in selected locations around Germany & Finland. These clinics proved to be very successful and most of the clinics sold out immediately. The tour was build around the Deep in the Game theme and provided in-depth instructions for those who were lucky enough to take part. Thanks to the success of the European tour and overwhelming demand from US players, we are happy to announce the 2014 Deep in the Game US Tour.


Tour run by Disc Golf superstars

The tour will stop in all of the southern states of United States, as the stars of the tour, Avery Jenkins & Simon Lizotte, make their way throughout the US while taking part in the biggest events on the PDGA tour. Most of the tour dates have already been set with local coordinators, while some dates are still open for booking. Registration for the scheduled clinics will start next week, on the Deep in the Game Tour page.


"The response we got from Germany & Finland last year was way more than we expected. The popularity of the clinics actually made me reassess my role both as a Pro Disc Golfer and an educator of the sport", says Avery Jenkins, the "captain" so to speak of the Deep in the Game Tour. "Disc Golf clinics are not a new invention, they've been around in one form or another for decades. What's really great about the Deep in the Game clinics is that they take the concept of a Disc Golf clinic to a new level - It's a Disc Golf clinic, reinvented", Jenkins adds.

On the Deep in the Game US Tour, the players attending the clinics and Meet & Greets will also be able to take notes from a rising star of the Disc Golf scene - the reigning European Champion Simon Lizotte. "There's probably no other player in the sport right now that can throw a disc as far as Simon", says Erno Väyrynen, the co-producer of the Deep in the Game tour and Discmania Inc. Vice President. "The sheer amount of pure animal power combined with the smooth form Simon has, is a treat to the eye, no matter how good you are in this sport", Erno continues.

Book a clinic in your city!

More information about the tour will be posted on the Deep in the Game US Tour page as it emerges. Registration for booked clinics will start next week. For inquiries concerning the Deep in the Game US Tour, please contact avery.jenkins[at]discmania.net


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