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Discmania CEO Jussi Meresmaa Announces The Year of the Shield

Year 2017 is behind us and what a year it was at Discmania! We are a fairly young disc golf brand, born in 2006. Our mission is to provide the best disc golf equipment to all levels of play all around the globe.

We also drive to grow the sport by supplying courses around the world, making international clinic tours and arranging some of the world’s best events.

We are on the edge of a new era for our company in the US and we could not be more excited about it.

Big changes

Our biggest project in 2017 was preparing for the sole distribution of our Discmania products in North America. We moved into a new facility in California in November 2017 and we are currently reinforcing our staff to prepare for the busy season ahead. Starting from January 2018, Discmania will handle all Discmania® distribution in North America. That has been our goal from the beginning and now we are finally able to start this operation. We are extremely happy to have such an enthusiastic fan base and we have taken your feedback into consideration. Needless to say, we are more than excited to be able to offer all kinds of new products, like a new $50-price-range Discmania backpack, waterproof disc golf shoes, new clothing and of course, more discs. We will start making announcements about these in January.

As we are on the dawn of 2018, I want to declare this year as The Year of the Shield. What that means to us at Discmania, is that we want to challenge ourselves to continue making disc golf bigger, compete against ourselves and communicate more inside the disc golf community. If you want to join us, take these three challenges below.

1. Make disc golf bigger

Discmania has deep roots behind the movement to grow the sport. Personally, I have two missions in my professional life: Make disc golf a global sport and employ as many people doing it. Since 1994, I've been involved with promoting and growing disc golf. I encourage you to do the same - together we are bigger.

For the last 12 years, we have been involved in making new courses to play. New courses are the most vital element for growing disc golf - we need more places to showcase this sport and to educate newcomers to the game. Our course concept, DiscGolfPark®, has served this purpose well. I have been lucky enough to find great promoters and course designers from all over the world. Together, we have designed, shipped, and installed well over 1,000 disc golf courses since 2005. Last year, we created over 150 DiscGolfParks in more than 10 countries together with cities and private landowners. Many of disc golf's new courses are born because of you, an active disc golfer, making an initiative in your community. Let's continue this work together and we will make disc golf bigger in your area. DiscGolfPark will launch a new global website in few weeks. Please, contact us at sales@discgolfpark.net to get your project started.

DiscGolfPark is the leading Disc Golf Course provider in the World

 2. Compete against yourself

Disc Golf is a great game of friendly competition. Whether it is at a tournament or just casual play, disc golf revokes our competitive mind set. Playing for fun is great too, but most of us feel that competition “itch” when we step on the first tee. At Discmania, we want to recreate that itch.

There are two levels of competition: competition against each other and competition against yourself. The reason Ricky Wysocki and Paul McBeth have won the last six seasons is not because they are fiercely competing against each other. They are fiercely competing against themselves. That’s why they are in the gym at this moment getting better. Check their social media. I want to challenge all of you readers to compete against yourself - that’s the purest level of competition.

During the next year, Discmania will compete against ourselves to become better. We will be more active towards the disc golf community. We will bring more things to you and we want to do that with even better customer service.

If there's anything you would like to say to us, give feedback or ideas, shoot us a message at staff@discmania.net.

Discmania CEO Jussi Meresmaa

 3. Communicate more

In our internet-driven world, it's more vital than ever to have a robust online presence. Discmania as a brand will be closer to the disc golfer in 2018. We have some pretty cool projects coming up. We will renew our brand-site and we will grow our presence in social media.

We at Discmania, will be more active on all levels of communication. From direct customer service to social media communication. You can reach us out on various channels. I suggest to sign up and give us follow now:


People at Discmania

All successful companies are based on passionate and hard working people. Like all other disc golf companies, Discmania is founded by disc golfers. I'm more than honoured to work with the people we have in our company. Passion and hard work drives us forward. I'm also really excited to have more driven people joining us in 2018. We will have a separate announcement about our new exciting hires soon. Stay tuned.

Welcome to 2018 - the Year of the Shield!

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