DNA discs collection now available!

Discmania contest: top 6 applications selected!

That's right folks, we've been buried deep in the depths of email and as a result we dug up six of the very best applications for Discmania Ambassadors. The names of these six applicants are:

  • Daniel Myrrusten, Norway
  • Trey Williams, USA
  • John Lorenzen, USA
  • Peter Fredriksson, Sweden
  • Matt Shustack, USA
  • Michael DePue, USA

Now we've given these guys until Sunday to polish their applications and we will be publishing them here at discmania.net on Monday for all of you guys to vote on. And if you didn't get chosen, don't feel too bad for yourself - there were about 200 applications so you could say the competition was tough ;)

If you have no clue what were talking about, go check the competition page -->

We'll end this update with a neat little vid from your friends at lgcm8 Disc Golf - A preview on what's still to come concerning footage they gathered at the latest Innova & Discmania -collaborated event, the European Open 2011:

Make it HD ;)

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