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Discmania hits Taiwan

As the strange crime surrounding the disappearance of our C-line prototypes is still being investigated in Finland, the CEO of Discmania Golf Discs, Jussi Meresmaa, is en route from Taiwan, where he attended the Asia Open, along with the victorious teammate Avery Jenkins.

Local player (72 years!) is teeing off at Taipei Disc Golf course.

After the international Asia Open in Taiwan, Avery and Jussi went to meet local players in the nearby Disc Golf Course (another of the two existing ones in Taiwan!). This small course had 9 home made baskets and multiple teeing areas. A bunch of locals were there to wait to see international stars in their home course!

Avery and Jussi with local players. Hey, aren´t those all S-line PDs?!

Atmosphere was really friendly and even there were not common (speaking) language, Disc Golf language was unite! This afternoon was filled up with smiles, laugh and some good shots. After the round Avery kept a putting clinic (to be added later into our YouTube channel).

Discmania has hit Taiwan!

Surprisingly for us, Discmania had already hit Taiwan as these locals were throwing their tee shots with S-line PDs. Needless to say, this was very exiting news for us. Discmania is truly becoming an international brand among grass root players and we appreciate that.


Concerning the before-mentioned theft: According to our primary investigations, the we have narrowed the list down to undisclosed number of suspects. At this point we can't publish the names of these suspects in order to not mess up the investigations. What we can say is that the trails seem to lead out of Finland. If you are cooking up a theory about this theft, please let us know by email. We will publish some of the submitted theories in our blog & facebook later on, if it is okay with the person providing the information. Thank you for your contributions so far, we've enjoyed them very much ;)

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