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From the Community: Discmania Method Reviews

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The second disc in Discmania’s Evolution line, the Discmania Method, is here and is quickly knocking other midranges out of disc golf bags around the world. This stable-to-overstable midrange has also taken the eye of Team Discmania’s Simon Lizotte who has called it his favorite midrange he’s thrown.

After being released and the start of July, a number of people in the disc golf community have posted their thoughts on the Discmania Method.

Utility Disc Golf, Tanner Labelle

Tanner Labelle from Utility Disc Golf put together a great comparison video on a number of Discmania’s midranges including the Method, MD3, MD4, and MD5.

Garret Hobbs

Garret Hobbs took the Method out to one of his local courses and put it through its paces. A lot of great flight footage along with some commentary on what the Method did for him.

Andrew Castro

Andrew Castro put together another great video with done shots and flight trackers to really see how the Method performs in various conditions.

Ryan Miller, Caddie Disc Golf

Ryan Miller breaks down the Method and covers all the elements you will encounter on the course. A self described “slower arm” disc golfer, Miller does a nice job showing the full range of what the Method can do.

Flick Maniac, Mikko Setälä

The Flick Maniac took the Method out for a workout with the MD4 to see how they compare. Along with some tracer lines to see the difference between the two discs. It’s a great visual to see how these compare.

Anneli Tõugjas

Team Discmania’s Anneli Tõugjas gave a great demo of the Method in some windy conditions to really test the stability of the Method. This one is in Estonian includes English subtitles.

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