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Discmania Product Update - Year of the Sword

2022 - The Year to Remember

Dear Discmaniacs,

Our passion to Reinvent Your Game drove us to new heights in 2022. Ramping up a brand new production facility, bringing new levels of competition to the forefront, reinventing old favorites, and creating new ones. The Shield now stands tall on a foundation made possible only through your continued support and passion for Discmania.

With disc golf growing rapidly, we broke our own sales records while still achieving our production goal - meet demand for stock reinvented molds, allowing Discmaniacs to find their favorites without stress and at a regular price.

Due to our commitments to our team players, our releases leaned heavily towards signature items at the end of the year. We learned from that time period, heard your feedback, and have good news for Discmaniacs wanting more stock releases.

2023 - Year of the Sword

2023 marks the Year of the Sword. For over a year we tested new plastic blends and new molds, crafting the highest performing products possible. Now it's time to hand them over to you!

Year of the Sword starts off with an arsenal of stock releases (8 to be exact). Bringing you cutting edge high performance molds and plastics always drive us forward. Long awaited and highly demanded S-Line plastic approaches closer and closer, marking our most significant endeavor since taking production into our own hands. More info on S-Line production broadcasts very soon. 

Expect minor additions to Evolution and Active line, but reinvented fan favorite Originals will be the main theme. MD1, CD1, DD1 and FD1 lead the charge the first half of Year of the Sword. Testing for three additional molds continues, which we aren’t quite ready to unveil just yet. By mid-season, expect to attack your favorite courses with plenty of stock runs!

Year of the Sword is about controlling our destiny. Following one of our core values, openness, we want to continue sharing our plans with you. We want to listen and adapt to your desires better than ever before. In that spirit, we place the Sword in your hands. This year we vow to talk to you more, listen to you more, and do everything we can to bring what you want most to fruition. The first step in that vow happens right now! Please take a moment of your time to answer our Facebook poll below so we know what molds you want to see us start production on in late 2023/early 2024.


NOTE: If you are not a member of this Facebook page, now is a great time to join our largest fan community! This is just the beginning.

Other products

Year of the Sword also brings new ways to carry your favorite molds around the course. Two backpack models drop at the end of the first quarter at an competitive price point. We can’t wait to share our first ever stand-alone bag designs! More info to come in February.

A lot of things changed over the past year, but one thing remained the same - we have amazing fans. Many of you have repped Discmania for years. Many of you have joined recently. If you rocked Discmania from day one, found us in 2022, or joined us somewhere in between - thank you.

Your passion fuels us and our team every single day. That passion keeps us going. There are great cloud-breaking things in the Horizon.
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