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Discmania Store Holiday Break

As the year draws to a close, it's time for our staff to take some time off. For 2021, our final full working day here at Discmania Store USA is Thursday, December 23rd. From December 24th until January 2nd our warehouse and customer service are closed. On Monday, January 3rd we'll be back in action.

You are able to place orders through our online store during our holiday break just like at any other time, but if you place an order after 14:00 Mountain Time on December 23rd, your order will ship out starting from January 3rd.

During our official holiday time, we are doing our famous "Black Box" Mystery Box release, which means we'll have limited staff monitoring the release online and for some time after it, but before we're back fully staffed on week 1, we'll only be able to address some of the more urgent messages sent to our customer service.

As the Mystery Box release will be one of the biggest releases of the year for us, the order processing will also take quite some time. From the chart below you can see the processing times for orders placed around the holidays, pending any unexpected delays.

Order placed Order shipped out by
By 14:00 MT on Dec 23rd December 23rd
From 14:01 MT on Dec 23rd thru Dec 26th January 4th
Dec 27th thru January 3rd January 14th
January 3rd & beyond Within 1-4 business days*

*(from order date)

We at Discmania want to thank you for another great year! Hope to see you again in 2022!

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