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DITG ep1: Contest winners

For the first episode of Deep in the Game -series we had a sticker spotting competition with some exclusive plastic as prizes. The contest is now over, so it's time to announce the winners: Jenny H. C., Travis S. and Antti K. The winners have been contacted privately and the prize discs will be shipped their way once we have all the needed addresses.

So where was it?

We have to admit that the sticker was not too easy to spot. Despite this, we got just under 300 answers and about 80% of them were correct. The correct answer was of course 1:04-1:06 at the right hand corner of the LaMirada sign. See below:

Click to enlarge Here's the correct answer. Click to enlarge.

Thanks for everyone who took submitted answers! Now go watch Episode 2 - Backhand (just released!) and work with your form!


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