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DITG Episode 1: Competition time!

We've received a lot of questions asking whether the Deep in the Game -stamped discs are available for purchase somewhere. The answer at the moment is no, but there's a chance to win some with a little luck and close attention.

What you can win?

For the putting episode, we are dealing out 3 bright yellow Discmania C-line FD's. This model, the FD in C-line, is not yet available anywhere as a stock release, although you may have seen it as a fundraiser for the Russian Championships. Each disc will be sent to a randomly selected person, with the right answer to our question. There will be 3 separate winners, so you have a great chance of being one of them!

What do you need to do?

We've hidden a small Discmania sticker somewhere in this episode. All you need to do to make yourself eligible to win is to spot the sticker in the episode and submit us the time when the sticker is visible. All answers must be send as messages to our Deep in the Game facebook -page.

Only answers via the Discmania Deep in the Game -facebook page are eligible to win. To participate in the contest, you must send us a facebook message via the Discmania Deep in the Game -facebook page. (Click to enlarge.)

Please note: The sticker is visible for a short time and it's not necessarily easy to spot. There are logos similar to the sticker visible in the episode in the clothes of Jussi & Avery, but they're not the one you should be looking for. Additionally there is a sticker on the lawn when the 3 keypoints of putting are shown in the episode, but the winning sticker is visible somewhere else on another timeframe. The one you should be looking for is much harder to spot than that ;)

Free tip: Watching the episode in HD and full screen will help you spot it ;)

Rules of the competition

1. Everyone with a facebook account are eligible to participate.

2. The three (3) winners for this episode will be randomly selected from the group of correct answers. All winners will be contacted personally (by a reply to the facebook-message), but we do reserve the right to publish the names of the winners.

3. The competition closes when Episode 2 airs and the winners will be announced on Wednesday, May 2nd.

4. The prizes will be shipped to the addresses provided by the winners.

Happy hunting folks!

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