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Eagle McMahon Disc Golf Boot Camp Wrap-up

Disc Golf Academy

Five weeks of the Swiss Bootcamp have passed. Both Simon and I are now feeling healthier and stronger than ever before. Over the past five weeks, we spent everyday following a strict workout schedule that would help us become stronger both physically and mentally. Everyday, we gave it our 100% knowing that each exercise we did would make us more effective out on the course for the 2018 disc golf season.

Going back to the start of the Bootcamp, both Simon and I were very unpolished. The aspects we were severely lacking in were: endurance for Simon, and coordination for me. The first run we went on was about a 5.5 mile loop. Simon was unable to finish and quit halfway through. My first coordination training was comical. I could not balance or move my body properly. I was like a baby giraffe learning how to walk. By the last few days of the camp, both of us were like new people. The same loop Simon could not finish, he ran it in 43 minutes. And I became able to do every coordination exercise effectively.

The strides made in strength, speed, and nutrition were also fantastic. Strength training was definitely the most exhausting out of all the aspects. We always were able to keep increasing the amount of weight and the amount of reps we made. From the first to the last speed training, both of us got noticeably more efficient with our movements and quicker. In the kitchen, by the help and knowledge of Coach Irene, we learned how to make a well balanced meal and eat the correct portions for what our bodies need in order to function.

I can speak for both Simon and myself, we are both thrilled with the results we got in the five weeks. It taught us discipline and how to stick to a schedule. There were times where it was not easy to get out bed, days where the motivation to lift weights or run was not there, and etc. By eliminating the lazy side of you and going to doing the task, it created a sense of accomplishment that is incredible. For all of you out there, DO TOUGH THINGS. Even if you don't have motivation. It will make you grow and become a better version of yourself, I promise.


Final Boot Camp Interview

I can honestly say that I am sad that it's over. The whole experience was unforgettable. Switzerland was always on my bucket list and the fact that I got to spend five weeks there becoming a better version of myself is truly surreal. I want to say how great it was to work with Andreas and Irene. They both are some of the most relaxed, genuinely-good people I have ever met. It was a true pleasure to spend time with them. I also want to thank Discmania for making it possible for Simon and I. Next week on Discmania YouTube, there will be video series on what exercises we did and how you guys can do them yourselves. Make sure you stay tuned for that!

Please go help Andreas and Irene out by going to like their Facebook or Instagram.

Have a good one everybody!

Keep On Dreamin’

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