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European Amateur Open 2020 Set for July

Tour / Promotions

Everyone loves a great disc golf road trip. You gather some friends, load up the car with your favorite discs (and a few backups), and hit the road to check off a few disc golf courses that you’ve been anxious to try.

It’s time for the ultimate disc golf road trip at a course that has become one of the sport’s most well known, and challenging, courses in the world. The European Amateur Open 2020 is the perfect excuse to take the disc golf road trip to unmatched levels.

More than a Tournament. It’s an Experience

This year’s European Amateur Open is organized in conjunction with three local European disc golf clubs:

  • Nokian frisbeeseura ry, Nokia Disc Golf Club
  • Tampereen Frisbeeseura ry, Tampere Disc Golf Club
  • DGC Fat Discs ry

Held just prior to the European Open PDGA Major, the lowest scores in MA1 and FA1 will earn a spot in the Major event. It’s possibly a once-in-a-lifetime experience to tackle these notable courses and then take on the sport’s top pros. You have three rounds to make the case that you are ready to compete at the highest level.

500+ Players, Three Courses

The action will be held across three courses in the area with one round held at each course. Nokia DiscGolfPark will be transformed into what is commonly known as the Beast with a series of iconic holes you can only play at this event. For MA1 and FA1, the Beast will mark the final round of the tournament.

Tampere Disc Golf Center joins the fun for the first time with another special layout with a few special holes planned.

Finally, Moon Valley will see action mainly on it’s traditional layout with a few custom holes planned.

With space for 504 competitors, there will be plenty of exciting disc golf play at all three courses throughout the tournament.

Be Ready to Register

Registration for the European Amateur Open begins on February 5. There is a very detailed process in an attempt to keep things as organized as possible. The main tournament registration page has a full schedule of what to expect.

Demand for this event has grown each and every year. If you are wanting to make the trip to Finland, be sure to have things ready to go ahead of time to make registration as easy as possible.

Discmania is excited to be a part of this exciting amateur disc golf event and hope you can make the visit too. Without a doubt, it is worth every penny.

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