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From the Team: Reactions to Discmania Evolution Announcement

Tour / Promotions

Prior to announcing our new partnerships with Innova, Latitude 64, and Yikun, very few people knew what the plan was. While we didn't like keeping things a secret, we wanted to make sure the timing was right to break the news. 

Leading up to the announcement, we gave Simon Lizotte and Eagle McMahon a preview of what was to come, but that was virtually the extent of anything prior to last week. 

You might have seen part of McMahon's reaction leading up to the news, but we're finally able to share all of his thoughts on this new era for Discmania. 

Team Discmania's Leo Piironen broke out his camera to learn the news the same way everyone else did. Watch and wait for his reaction, including that smile that he couldn't hold back. 

Finally, Lizotte was fortunate to be in Colorado visiting the new Discmania USA headquarters during the announcement and got the chance to throw the Primal Run of the Discmania Instinct. Sure, he's one of the longest throwers in disc golf, but he loves to crush the new fairway driver. 

This is just the start of the Year of Evolution for Discmania. The new Instinct, and other Discmania Evolution discs are right around the corner. If pre-sales are any indication, these are going to be in high demand when first released. 

Be sure to follow Discmania on Facebook and Instagram as we continue to share news about all the new discs coming out in 2019!

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