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In the Bag with Discmania CEO Jussi Meresmaa

Our CEO Jussi Meresmaa sat down with the SpinTV crew during the US Disc Golf Championship to give you the tour of what he carries in his Grip EQ Discmania Tour Bag. Thanks to a very busy schedule, Jussi doesn't tour much these days, so this one is a pretty rare treat. Check out the video below:

Here's the drill down:


2 x First Run D-line P2

3 x Proto Run D-line P2

Midrange Drivers

2 x First Run C-line MD2

1 x Glow C-line MD3

Fairway Drivers

3 x First Run C-line FD

1 x Simon Lizotte Signature 3rd Run C-line FD

Distance Drivers

2 x First Run C-line PD

1 x 5th Run C-line PD

2 x C-line PD2

2 x Blizzard C-line DD2

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