🔥 Kick off the season with team DM 🔥

Instagram Picks of the Shield: February 2020

Disc Life

February marks the start of the main disc golf tournament season! We’re slowly warming up and can’t wait to get this disc golf season up to speed. Even two months into 2020, we’re already loving the disc golf photos on Instagram!

Remember, tag @discmaniadiscs and use the hashtags #discmania or #disclife to have the chance to see your disc golf photos on Instagram featured.


Ace number two with a great disc! Congrats!


We’re glad to meet some of the Method’s family!


We’re glad to meet some of the Method’s family!


What a great evening on the course!


Team Discmania’s Skyler Stoker giving the new C-Line FD2 a shot!


If that’s your favorite, you have good taste!


Nice photo, nice plants… better disc!


Three great looking Instincts right there!


Team Discmania Ambassador Sanna Ahlgren at the beautiful DiscGolfPark in Mijas, Spain!


Can’t beat that view.


Some more Color Glow DD3 love from the most recent Mystery Boxes!


Team Discmania’s Nate Perkins just chillin’ at this year’s Wintertime Open!

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