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Instagram Picks of the Shield: September 2018

Disc Life

The 2018 Pro World Championships are behind us, weather is starting to cool, and leaves are beginning to show some more color. As the final quarter of the year begins, we're still loving all the disc golf photos you put up on on Instagram. 

Great homemade mini!

Beautiful day of disc golf! What a great looking hole.

Congrats on the Crowned Eagle MD3 ace!

Love the contrast in this one.

Nice looking hole and a nice shot.

Avalanche Mountain looks like it has everything!

We're loving these Dark Maul PDs too!

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Best huk face ever? We think so. Check out our friends at Luna Park Disc Golf.

Avery is testing out some new discs. Take a guess as to what we're trying out!

Don’t forget to tag @discmaniadiscs and use the hashtags #discgolf, #disclife, or #discmania in your posts. Keep the photos coming! We love seeing what you come up with.

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