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Introducing the FD2

As many of our social media active followers probably noticed, the FD2 got its approval from the PDGA last Saturday. It is already available for purchase as a fundraiser disc for the Disc Golf European Masters thru Discmania Store in the US and InnovaStore in Finland & Sweden.

The FD2 is a reliable speed 7 workhorse fairway driver for all skill levels. It’s not too glidey to avoid you from sailing off-target and it has a low-speed fade you can depend on. Packed with a nice amount of high speed stability, this disc gives you nice straight lines when thrown flat and hard. The more power you put behind this disc, the straighter lines you will see it perform. When thrown more gently, the fade will kick in earlier in flight making cutting corners easier.

The C-line FD2 is partially a result of the great feedback we got from our more experimental 2nd run the C-line FD. A lot of players seemed to take a liking to the flight path of this “Big Boy FD”, that can hold a straight line when thrown hard and flat while still providing a reliable fade at the end of the flight. The FD2 mimics this flight pattern very well, with the exception of being a little more reliable in windy conditions, thanks to a bit more fade and less glide.

This first release of the C-line FD2 is molded with the acclaimed “Jolly Launcher” C-line material, providing great looks and durability with an awesome grip. A limited number of these first release C-FD2’s benefit the European Masters, an all-new Discmania powered PDGA Major event to be held in Järva DiscGolfPark, Stockholm, Sweden in July 2014. A substantial amount of the sales of these discs will go to cover the organizing costs of the event.

The stamp design of the European Masters C-line FD2 is made by the famous Disc Golf artist Skeet Scienski. Available in various vibrant colours and in weights between 165-175g.


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