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Introducing the Glow C-line PD

Out of the countless different mold and plastic variations we get requests for, the Glow C-line PD has been on top of the list for quite a while now. Finally we have good news for all you PD freaks:) out there. The Glow PD C-PD rolls out on Monday the February 18th in the US, as a limited fundraiser release for the European Open 2013. We are very happy to be able to release such a special disc, benefitting such a special event. By purchasing the Glow C-line PD, you directly benefit the most notable Disc Golf tournament in the European Disc Golf scene.

Being our most popular mold, the PD is familiar to many of our readers. One of the best features of the PD is it's versatility. We know a whole bunch of people who cover all of their driver needs with a selection of PD's in different plastics and stages of wear. What the Glow C-line PD will bring to the table is extreme durability accompanied with very dependable flight path in just about all conditions. This disc features great torque resistance and extremely reliable fade at the end of its flight. Unlike any of our previous releases, the Glow C-line PD glows in the dark.

The King of the Forest

The European Open fundraisers will be a collectable set of 5 different Discmania / Innova models, the rest of which will be published later on. Each fundraiser model will highlight one of the great predators of Finnish wilderness. For a creature this majestic, the Glow C-line PD was an obvious choice to be paired up with the Bear stamp, designed by Disc Golf artist Skeet Scienski. This is the first run made of the PD mold in Glow C-line material and it will be highly collectable.

The bear is the greatest and most powerful animal in Finnish nature. Thus it is entitled to its status as the dreaded and respected ruler of the Finnish wilderness. To ancient Finns the bear was a holy creature and a subject of worship. They dared not to speak its name out of fear of summoning it, which is why there are over 200 names for a bear in the Finnish language. Now we don't think choosing the PD to reflect a creature this magnificent was not a bad choice at all, how about you?


Glow C-PD will also be available in Europe in the beginning of March.


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