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Join the Game of Throws, Disc Golf’s International Team Competition

Tour / Promotions

Summer is coming.

Discmania’s Game of Throws is set to take over disc golf courses everywhere this season. In partnership with the PDGA and UDisc, the Game of Throws is something for disc golfers of all levels across the world.

This seven-week long event of PDGA sanctioned league play will lead to the Battle of Baton Rouge International House Championship where one team will claim possession of the Discmania Game of Throws Shield. All the qualification action will run from September 7 through October 19. House Championships will be played Dec 7-8.

We are currently looking for League Directors to organize the local events.

Game of Throws Format

Leagues will include six weeks of singles play at the same course each week. The players with the top four scores after week one will have the option to become Lords of one of the four Discmania Houses: Lizotte, McMahon, Perkins, and Piironen. Lords will then draft the rest of their teams.

Week seven will include match play between the top five players from each of the local teams. The winning team from each local league will receive a trophy pack and be eligible to represent their House at the Battle of Baton Rouge.

Each local House is actually competing virtually across other House teams around the world. Every round will be entered into the Virtual House Championships based on the unofficial PDGA Round Rating. Players earn points for their team by placing above other players in their division from leagues across the United States and Europe.

The local team that wins the most virtual points for each of the four Houses will win a $3,000 travel voucher and an invitation to the Battle of Baton Rouge, International House Championship Event on December 7-8.

Teams must win their local events in order to win the Virtual House Championships. If a European Team wins one of the Virtual House Championship spots, they will receive an $8,000 travel voucher to attend the Battle of Baton Rouge. For 2019, we must limit this to one European team.

You do not have to be a PDGA Member to participate. Having PDGA event experience is preferred for organizers, but not required.

Prizes and Awards

Everyone who signs up will receive a premium players pack including a custom Game of Throws stamped disc, House Jersey, and eligibility for the International House Championship event.

Each player in a winning House from every Local League will receive a trophy pack, and individual awards will be given to the winning Lord, and their top two players.

Each player from the team that wins the Battle of Baton Rouge International House Championship will receive their share of the Grand Prize:

  • A brand new Nine-Hole DiscGolfPark designed and delivered to your hometown to commemorate your victory
    • Three-year Team Discmania player sponsorship for every member of the winning team
    • One-year possession of the Discmania Game of Throws House Shield.


Registration for local leagues is now open through UDisc. Register as a local league director today!

Player registration will be available from June 15 to September 7. Player registration is $65 for the entire event.

We are excited about this partnership and what to expect from this year’s Game of Throws. Learn more at the official Game of Throws dashboard.

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