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Krystof Novak Lives a Busy Life of Disc Golf

Disc Life

For many, just the thought of being in your early 20s and not only working in the disc golf industry, but also combining that with your other favorite interests is exciting. For Team Discmania’s Krystof Novak, that’s a reality.

Novak, a native of Czech Republic, is actively involved with disc golf from many angles. To get a preview of his 2018 season and learn more about his involvements in the sport, we talked to Novak before his season gets underway in a few weeks.

Who is Krystof Novak when he is not playing disc golf and what does he do?

I have life attitude I like to call ‘never ever stop’. That means I am always doing something. I work with disc golf a lot, we have a small disc golf company here in Czech Republic with my brother, Premek. We are trying to grow disc golf in every way we can. I am also the president of a local disc golf club, Moravian Gators, and thus run a couple of events a year. In 2018, the most important one is the Czech Championship.

Besides that I study marketing and business at a university and am an avid learner. Not only at the university, but always. When driving, I usually listen to various podcasts and at home I read a lot of books from fantasy stories to actual science books. One of my biggest dreams is to throw a disc golf driver on Mars.

Regarding sports, I really like skiing, snowboarding, and inline skating. Disc golf is my true love though.

Being more than just a player within disc golf, what does your regular week look like, what does it include?

I am running our online store and I’m the ‘technical guy’ in our company. I grew up with computers all around and kind of like working with them. Combining that with disc golf is my true dream job.

Besides that, I am making maps for DiscGolfParks all around the globe. One day I want to try them all out.

Krystof Novak Krystof Novak (Photo: Eino Ansio)

You’re the current Czech champion… What contributed most to your victory? What’s your strongest feature as a competitor, that separates you from your countrymen?

I am wiling to work harder than the rest. I wouldn’t say I have a ton of talent, but practice made the difference. I also feel I am pretty mentally strong. I might not make all the putts I want to, but it does not really matter if you don’t let one bad putt influence the next one and all throws after that. In the end, it’s only one throw now, but bad attitude can make it way worse.

I can sum it all up in three words: persistence, accuracy and consistency.

When will your season 2018 start and how are you preparing for it?

My season officially starts with the first big Czech tournament called ADD 2018 in the end of March. I have some unfinished business with that course because I lost my 4-stroke lead in the finals last year. Time to make it up!

I started swimming three times a week in September to strengthen my body and make it balanced. Disc golf is a one sided sport and I want to keep playing for many years to come. During the winter, I added some kettle bell swinging as the next level of physical preparation. The new Disc Golf Academy videos are good source of inspiration too! And it seems to work well.

I try to play as little disc golf as possible during the winter, because there are no important tournaments anyway and I tend to get bad throwing habits when playing in cold weather. I also know my technique is far from perfect and like to imagine that I get rid of the older bad habits and will be able to actually throw far.

Any new molds or discs making their way to your bag? Are you testing something new?

Right now I am satisfied with how my bag feels. I think I have a disc for every shot I need, but I feel really good about the new P3x. That’s fighting for a spot in the bag.

Which Discmania disc helped you to reinvent your game?

S-Line DD. It is my go to driver when I need both distance and accuracy, no matter if I want to throw backhand or forehand. I can throw it pretty far but it always stays predictable even if thrown on 100% power.

Krysto Novak Krystof Novak (Photo: Eino Ansio)

What are you looking forward to most in 2018?

The one tournament I look forward to the most is Konopiště Open. I am the TD’s assistant so I won’t be able to play but it will be the strongest experience of the upcoming year for sure!

What’s your goal for 2018 – or your main goals if you have several?

My goal is to defend the Czech Champion title and finally bring home the Central European Champion title. I am a two-time runner of of Central Europe….

Thanks to Novak for the conversation and best of luck this year. Keep an eye on the European disc golf scene. Novak will be a name for years to come.

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