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New Signature Release: Nate Perkins Color Glow C-Line FD Night Strike III

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The trifecta is complete. Introducing the Nate Perkins signature Discmania Color Glow C-Line FD Night Strike III. This glow-in-the-dark super straight flier is one of the most useful discs in the Discmania lineup. With the ability to hit the tightest fairways or provide the ultimate control when it is needed most, the Night Strike III is another great mark in the history of the FD.

Flight of the Night Strike III

Our Night Strikes in the past have usually been a bit flatter and softer than traditional FD runs and this one should follow that pattern. Great grip in a great premium plastic help give you that confidence off the teepad.

The Night Strike III brings a great balance of stability and is a super straight disc right out of the box. With a little use, it will be very easy to hyzer flip this for days. The great glide that the FD is known for is also apparent with the Night Strike III.

If you’re looking for that laser straight shot with a very consistent flight time and time again. The Night Strike III is it. Your search is over. You’ve found it.

Release of the Night Strike III

The Discmania Perkins Color Glow C-Line FD Night Strike III will go on sale at 8 a.m. Pacific/11 a.m. Eastern on Wednesday, September 30. European sales will begin at 12 a.m. EEST.

The Night Strike III will be available in the United States and worldwide at Discmania.net while European sales will be available at InnovaStore.

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