🔥 Kick off the season with team DM 🔥

New Signature Series: P2 Lizotte Sky God

In the world of Doom Birds and Crescent Falcons, there is one to rule them all: the Sky God. Specifically, the Discmania C-Line P2 Lizotte Sky God. With a little added stability, the C-Line P2 Lizotte Sky God is designed to rule the skies. It’s a fitting disc for someone who does unhumanly things on the course.

Next Level Flight

In order to bring a flight worthy of the ancient gods, the Sky God takes all the elements you love about the famed Discmania P2 and amplifies them. Get ready to put as much power as you can into the Sky God as these are even more overstable than previous runs. There is nothing this Sky God can’t handle.

Gemstone Level Colors

The Sky God comes in multiple color varieties, each named after legendary African gemstones:

  • Purple = Amethyst
  • Red = Ruby
  • Green = Emerald
  • Blue = Sapphire
  • Orange: Fire Opal
  • Yellow = Topaz
  • Clear = Diamond

Artwork Made in Heaven

Discmania’s new artist Manuel Trujillo created something that combined ancient history with Simon Lizotte’s modern Falcon. The end result is a mashup of the ancient God of Sky, Horus, and the iconic Falcon that has followed Lizotte for years.

The end result is something truly legendary.

Support our Sky God

As the 2018 season is getting underway, this is your chance to directly support Discmania’s own Sky God, Simon Lizotte. Simon will receive a substantial portion of all sales of the Discmania C-Line P2 Lizotte Sky God.

Rule the skies with the Sky God on Wednesday, February 21, 2018.

Tomorrow. #discmania #lizottediscgolf #reinventyourgame

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