Huk Lab collaboration P2x now available!

Signature Series: Perkins Color Glow C-Line FD Night Strike II

Tour / Promotions

Being able to have ultimate control off the tee while also being able to grab a little extra distance is exactly what the Discmania FD has done since it was first released. Often claimed as one of the most versatile fairway drivers in disc golf, the FD should be a staple for disc golfers of any level.

This year, we’ve taken things to the next level with the return of one of last season’s most popular releases. The Discmania Nate Perkins Color Glow C-Line FD Night Strike II is here! Last year’s Night Strike turned heads all season long and it was certainly one of the most frequently used discs for Perkins himself.

The Night Strike II is very similar to last year’s edition, but with a few tweaks. You’ll notice a slightly flatter profile and a sharper finish to the wing. At times the Night Strike will fly a bit more overstable than the originals, which means it can handle even more than before.

Oh, and now it has two snakes instead of one. You can’t go wrong with two snakes.

How to Purchase a Night Strike II

The Discmania Nate Perkins Color Glow C-Line FD Night Strike II will go on sale in the United States and worldwide at 11 a.m. Eastern Time/8 a.m. Pacific on Monday, March 11. European sales will be available midnight Monday morning at InnovaStore.

Be sure to check your favorite Discmania Dealer beginning Monday for the new Night Strike II.

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