🔥 Kick off the season with team DM 🔥

So Long Texas...

After incredible two weeks in the state of Texas the Discmania Motorhome continued it's journey heading towards the east coast. Austin was an amazing experience I'm sure I will be back pretty soon. Our first stop was San Antonio where we held a well filled clinic. I'm so glad and appreciate it so much how friendly people are here and the hospitality has just been perfect. We stayed in San Antonio for two days and than left to Houston looking forward to our biggest clinic thus far. Houston was a complete blast hanging out with Robbie Bratten from Crush Clothes, I couldn't ask for greater company and better friends to hang out with! Too bad we could only stay there for one night but we had to move on to make it in time to the next clinic in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Possibly one of the most official looking disc golf sign I've ever seen! Great to see people taking this sport seriously! (Baton Rouge, LA) Possibly one of the most official looking disc golf sign I've ever seen! Great to see people taking this sport seriously! (Baton Rouge, LA)

Bourbon street in New Orleans, truly a crazy place on Earth Bourbon street in New Orleans, truly a crazy place on Earth

The three main things I will remember about Texas for sure are for one the amazing BBQ, the massive amount of disc golfers and disc golf courses, and the third for me was the quite annoying constant windy conditions. So leaving Texas with mixed feelings I was exited to visit state number 6 on my US tour; Louisiana. The clinic in Baton Rouge was a pretty small and intimate one but that is not a bad thing in my opinion. We got to be more one on one and the atmosphere was for sure a little more concentrated with the participants.

Since than we've been hanging out with Jamie Thomas, camera man and director of the SpinTV videos, at his parent’s house in Baton Rouge. Life is great right now and besides doing some work, as in working on disc reviews, we are enjoying new courses and being happy about what we are doing for a living. I'm actually not really sure on what we're going to be up to for the upcoming week but what I am sure of is that tomorrow and the day after and the day after and so on, will have more awesome experiences waiting for me. I will keep you guys updated day by day. Follow Avery Jenkins, Discmania and me for daily updates on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! Till than, enjoy what you are doing and be happy :)

These fire ants love the new FD2s just the way I do These fire ants love the new FD2s just the way I do

PS: 1:1

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