🔥 Kick off the season with team DM 🔥

Spot the Maniac - Instagram Contest!

The second part of #discmaniatour 2014 kicks off! The tour starts from Madison, Wisconsin on Friday 8/22/2014 with our  Tour Captain, 2009 World Champion Avery Jenkins. Our road warriors have been equipped with the latest Discmania goodies & a motorhome called the Maniac. To celebrate the start of the tour, we are offering our fans a chance to win sweet Discmania goodies. The rules are simple:

1. Spot the #discmaniatour motor home (pictured above) on tour

2. Snap a picture of the motor home

3. Post your picture to instagram with the hashtag #discmaniatour

4. Every week we pick one lucky winner to receive a surprise prize

So you may want to have your smartphone ready on locations we stop by at. The Maniac will be present on all of the upcoming Deep in the Game clinics in the Northern States of US and in Canada this summer. It will also be around biggest competitions in the area.

Also, give us a follow on instagram, if you haven't already!

See you on tour!

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