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2022 Team Discmania player roster

I’m excited to announce our 2022 Team Discmania player roster as it’s most definitely the most talented group of individuals that we’ve ever had represent the company in our 15-year history. We added several new players to the team this year with many of those qualifying through the Discmania Combine including Dylan Capaccioli, Harry Chace, Tanner Boggs, Shane McCullen and Zach Cole. We also added some phenomenal regional talent including Amanda LennartssonDaniel DavidssonJarod O’Brien, Julien Quenneville, Kasperi PakarinenLeon SonnleitnerStanislaus Amann, Svit Savnik, Tuukka Lappi and Al Kennon.

We also had several player promotions and contract extensions this offseason to secure and fully support the players that have earned it through tireless travels and hard fought competition. The players that were recently promoted throughout our team structured tiers are Kyle Klein, Bohdan BílekDustin Keegan, Ella Hansen, Tuomas Hyytiäinen, Elias Gripler, Elias Luukkonen and Caleb Bruce with contract extensions for Ella Hansen and Casey White.

I’m proud to see the progression and development of the players on our team as a whole as I anticipate a very successful season for Team Discmania. Thanks to all of the players for their trust in the product, their loyalty to the brand and the continued commitment to representing the shield, all the best in 2022!

Avery Jenkins, Team Manager (North America) 
   -Avery Jenkins, Team Manager


Sky Team
Tour Team
Pro Team North America

Anders Swärd

Bob Kulchuk

Avery Jenkins Bradley Brown
Bartosz Kowalewski Brandon Rafaleowski
Bohdan Bílek Caleb Bruce
Casey White Casey Pennington
Colten Montgomery Connor Endy
Dustin Keegan Harry Chace
Ella Hansen Joey Kozlowski
Jenni Engström Justin Anderson
Kyle Griffin Logan Riding
Kyle Opfer Mike Carman
Nathan Perkins Silas Schultz
Niklas Anttila Thunder Schultz
Oskari Vikström Vincent Polidori
Stanislaus Amann Dylan Capaccioli
Tuomas Hyytiäinen
Leo Piironen
Cynthia Ricciotti


Pro Team Europe
Junior Team
Amanda Lennartsson

Braden Green

Al Kennon

Anna-Sofia Haipus Brendan Taylor Andrew Castro
Anneli Tõugjas Cadence Burge Dave Reeves

Daniel Davidsson

Jackson Green Derek Monteverdi
Elias Gripler Kasperi Pakarinen Duncan Schulz
Elias Luukkonen Leon Sonnleitner Dustin Ryalls
Kryštof Novák Luke Wade Esther Schultz
Lasse Jansson Shane McCullen Jacob McCoy
Max Regitnig Simeon Schulz Jarod O'Brien
Mikael Birkelund Jensen-Johansen Tanner Boggs Julien Quenneville
Mikael Räsänen

Tuukka Lappi

Kai Christophersen
Niko Rättyä Logan McLaughlin
Pasi Koivu Mikko Setälä
Svit Savnik Noah Cronin
Dominik Stampfer Raivis Markons-Craig
Ryan Miller
Sanna Ahlgren
Sean Callahan
Skyler Stoker
Tanner LaBelle

Zach Cole

 *This List of Team Players is not fully complete and may change during the season

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