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Team Discmania victorious on Swedish tour final

The final event of the Discsport Nationella Tour was played in Visattra, Stockholm last weekend. Team Discmania's Swedish representatives Hans Tegebäck, Anders Swärd and Angelica Frantz were all taking part on the last leg of the tour and not too many prizes were left for other competitiors as Team Discmania cleaned the table in both MPO and FPO divisions.

The 48-years-old Hans Tegebäck took home the victory in the Open division, despite the fact that he is well eligible to play in the Masters division too. To top off team Discmania's success in the Open division, Anders Swärd was placed tied second in the very tight competition. The final results of the tour were also extremely tight, as Anders was placed 4th in the tour, despite being only one point short of the top score.

In Women's division Team Discmania's Angelica Frantz left the competition behind and cruised to victory before Camilla Jernberg and the rest of the field. This was the first leg of the tour that Anki took part in so a single win wasn't unfortunately enough to compete for the top spots of the whole tour.

Congratulations to all winners!

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