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USDGC coming up!

It's almost here! The tournament director Jonathan Poole and his hardworking crew are really putting up a show as the most prestigious event in our sport, the United States Disc Golf Championships starts officially on Wednesday. This year the tournament form is a hybrid of two types of play: the Pro flight and Performance flight. This means that there are players competing in two different categories: roughly half of the field is playing for the lowest overall score, while the other half is playing for the best handicapped score, based on their PDGA-rating.

Team Discmania is naturally taking in on the action this year too. Our line-up for the USDGC2012 looks like this:

Will Schusterick, Team DiscmaniaAvery Jenkins, Team DiscmaniaNathan Sexton, Team DiscmaniaJussi Meresmaa, Team DiscmaniaSeppo Paju, Team DiscmaniaLeo Piironen, Team DiscmaniaJuho Rantalaiho, Team Discmania

Make sure you tune in on the action throughout the tournament week! Here's some handy links for following the USDGC:

USDGC Website

PDGA results page

DiscGolfPlanet.tv live coverage

USDGC Facebook page 

USDGC live @ twitter

View the USDGC teaser here:


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