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Black Edition Legends of the Lost Stones Mystery Box: What to Expect

The second and final chapter of Legend of the Lost Stones is here! Black Edition Mystery Boxes bring all new Lost Sto...

Discmania Combine: Vancouver, BC Results!

The Discmania Combine goes north of the border to Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada in only our 2nd combine event o...

Legends of the Lost Stones: Manianite Challenge!

New precious Lost Stone material discovered - Manianite! Be the first in either the US or Europe to collect all 14 Lo...

The Legend of the Lost Stones Mystery Box: What to Expect

Discmania Mystery Box Season is back better than ever with new molds, plastic combinations, an interactive story and...

Legend of the Lost Stones Treasure Hunt!

Dallas Jr. uncovered new clues leading to gems hidden across the world! Will you be the one to find them? Searching t...


Discmania proudly presents a new Mystery filled with adventure, intrigue, and never before seen gems!

Discmania Joins House of Discs

To all Discmaniacs and disc golf fans, Discmania joined House of Discs earlier this Summer, but remains as an indepen...

Eagle McMahon: A Storybook Season

With the final events of 2023 fast approaching, Eagle McMahon’s season has turned into a near storybook plotline. We ...

2023 Discmania Combine Tour Results: St. Louis

On a blistering summer day in St. Louis, the first Discmania Combine of the 2023 season took place. It was a scorchin...

2023 World Championship Recap

We first want to thank all the Discmaniacs out there supporting Team Discmania both on the course and online during t...

Discmania S-Line Lineup Expanding

Since announcing our best S-Line blend plastic ever, disc golfers have raved about the feel and flight. Almost every ...

Niklas Anttila: 3-Time Finnish National Champion

The Nordic Phenom, Niklas Anttila, secured his third Finnish National Champion title this last week. We at Discmania ...
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