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Deep in the Game Tour News

The last event of our tour of instructional Disc Golf clinics, the Deep in the Game spring US Tour , was held in San Francisco last week. The tour consisted of 18 separate events circling around the southern States of USA, from California to Georgia and from Texas to Colorado. The tour manager and Discmania Sky Team member Avery Jenkins is already on his way to Japan for the 2014 Japan Open PDGA Major tournament and the trusty #discmaniatour van is finally given a couple months off under the Californian sun.


Next up: Europe

After the Japan Open, the Deep in the Game tour will hit Europe for the mid part of the summer. Unlike on the US Spring Tour, the registrations for clinics will be handled by local coordinators, so if you're in Finland, Sweden, Germany, Austria or Czech Republic you may want to keep your eyes out for more information to follow. Our German superstar Simon Lizotte, who's had a phenomenal season so far in the US will join Avery in the upcoming European clinics in the central Europe, while Avery will be flying solo throughout the northern clinic tour.

For more info on the European Tour dates, check your local listings.


Fall tour in the plans

Thanks to overwhelming demand, we are already also planning to extend the US tour to the northern states of the US during summer / fall 2014. If you're interested in having a clinic in your town, please contact Avery at avery.jenkins[at]discmania.net for details.

Here's a little "on tour" video we put together from Avery & Simon's adventures, enjoy!

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