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Disc Golf in Brazil

Have you ever planned your next holiday trip based on a location that offers exiting new Disc Golf courses nearby, so even when you're taking some time off, you wouldn't be taking time off Disc Golf? Well so have we! Traveling is a great way to deepen your relationship with the sport by experiencing new courses and meeting new people that share the same passion.

New challenger for the womens division found in São Paolo? We'll have to wait and see.. New challenger for the womens division found in São Paolo? We'll have to wait and see...

Another great idea is to take some discs and maybe even a portable basket with you when you're taking a trip to a location where disc golf is still a lesser-known outdoor activity. This is just what happened with Tapani Aulu, whom we send out to Brazil to work as a scout for Discmania and the sport of Disc Golf. We gave Tapani a set of discs and a Innova DisCatcher Traveler -portable basket to make use of, while he was staying in São Paulo for a Christmas time family vacation.

What is the perfect grip for putting? What is the perfect grip for putting?

When going to a country that basically doesn't recognize disc golf in any way, you can't expect too many people to join in when you're undergoing a putting practice by the beach. Even with that notion, Tapani's trip was a success and several hours spend on the beach and parks spreading the word of disc golf to local kids paid off - there's now at least a couple of handfuls of kids with new Discmania discs, learning important life lessons of the Frisbee spirit somewhere in the beaches and parks of São Paolo and Maresias, Brazil.

Playing with frisbees at the beach isn't just for the kids.

Let's hope those kids spread the word, heck maybe even start a frisbee-movement of their own and someday there will be a network of Disc Golf Courses in Brazil and other Southern American countries. After all, disc golf is a fairly easy sport to "export": the equipment is pretty inexpensive and a Disc Golf course can be set up in various environments with very little alteration to the vegetation or landscaping. Maybe someday a kid doesn't have to be a soccer prodigy to make it out of the favela, he/she just needs to shoot impressive hyzers ;)

Local kids having fun at the beach Local kids having fun at the beach

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