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European Open registration opens!

The Champions return to Finland for the 4th European Open! The Champions return to Finland for the 4th European Open!

Discmania is once again heavily involved with European Open in cooperation with Innova Europe / Innova Discs and PDGA. Today (feb. 15th) marks the date of the opening of the first phase of registration to the tournament. In this first phase, everyone can registrate, but only MPO players with PDGA rating over 975 and FPO players with rating over 900 can secure their at this point. Read more about the registration & qualification process at the tournament website.

This years European Open is a special event in many ways, one of which is the fact that it is the only Open division PDGA Major in the world as the USDGC, Japan Open and Scandinavian Open are taking a year off. Well, okay, there's always the Worlds in Santa Cruz, but it's the Worlds. Like they even need anymore credit as being a Major tournament when they have the right the crown World Champions ;)

Snowy hole 7 green from Nokia DiscGolfParkâ„¢. Original photo credit: Eino Ansio. Snowy hole 7 green from Nokia DiscGolfParkâ„¢. Original photo credit: Eino Ansio.

The EO features a new venue and time slot this year too. The action will take place from 20th thru 24th of July in Nokia, Finland. The Nokia Sports Centre DiscGolfParkâ„¢ has previously hosted European Championships in 2005 and a couple of Finnish national tour events. The feedback about the course has been really good, praising it to be one of the best layouts ever to be seen in the European Disc Golf scene. The course designer will be Discmania's own Jussi Meresmaa again this year, so you know it's going to be good!

Hope to see all of you guys at Nokia in July!

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