🔥 Kick off the season with team DM 🔥

Discmania presents: The Flying Circus with Simon Lizotte

The Concept

Introducing The Discmania Flying Circus - A demo/clinic tour that travels along the lines of Simon Lizotte's 2015 US Tour. Find the event near you and see the true wunderkind in action!

There will be several events in several different locations, each one consisting of two "station activities" and the main distance event:

1. Radar Gun Challenge

The participants get to measure their arm speed with a radar gun and each participant who can match Simon's 81 MpH warm-up throw will win FREE Discmania discs courtesy of Discmania Store. You can also measure your arm speed before and after Simon's distance clinic. The Radar Gun Challenge will typically run from the start of the event until Simon's distance showcase, so you'll have plenty of time to test (and improve) your results :)

2. Small group clinic & disc demo

Those taking part in small group clinic will get hands-on advice from the World Distance Record holder Simon Lizotte on adding distance to their game. Simon will also teach proper driver selection based on player's form and power. Each participant of the small group clinics receive a Discmania swag pack. We like to keep the group size small to allow best possible guidance, so there will be multiple small group clinics at each event.

3. Then Main Event - Simon Lizotte Distance Showcase

Watch Simon throw a putter further than most people can throw their driver and after that watch him grab his drivers and bolt them out of sight. You'll have to see it to believe how far this kid can throw!


Confirmed Flying Circus Events:

Sun 3/22 - 12pm - DiscNation - Austin, TX - Facebook event here

Mon 3/23 - 4:00pm - Live Oak City Park - Live Oak, TX - FB here

Tue 3/24 - 4:00pm - Texas Army Trail DGC - Houston, TX - FB here

Mon 4/6 - 4:00pm - Audubon Park - Garland, TX - FB here

Tue 4/7 - 4:00pm - Enos Derbonne Recreation Complex - Lake Charles, LA - FB here

Wed 4/8 - 4:00pm - Highland Road Park - Baton Rouge, LA - FB here

Fri 4/10 - 4:00pm - George Ward Park - Birmingham, AL - FB here

Sun 4/12 - 12:00pm - Oregon Park Disc Golf - Atlanta, GA - FB here

Mon 4/13 - Sun 4/19 - Meet you at the National Collegiate Disc Golf Championships in North Augusta, SC!

Thu 4/23 10:00am - 4:00pm - The Amateur Championships at Bowling Green: Big Gun Competition w/ Innova + Discmania disc test + Radar Gun Station

Fri 4/24 7:00pm - 10:00pm Flymart at Phil Moore Park Gym at the Bowling Green Ams

Tue 5/5 4:00pm - Spring Canyon Park - Fort Collins, CO

Thu 5/7 4:00pm - Harrisville Park - Harrisville, UT - FB here


Tue 5/26 4:00pm - Kit Carson Sports Park - Escondido, CA - FB here


Tentative Flying Circus Events:

Wed 5/27: La Mirada (finale)

Meet & Greets and more!

In addition to the Flying Circus events, Discmania & Simon Lizotte are hosting several meet & greet events at local Pro Shops along Simon's 2015 US Tour. We are working hard to get you the information of all upcoming meet & greet events in the near future. Alongside the Flying Circus events and the meet & greets, the Discmania Tour Team including Simon Lizotte, The SpinTV's own James Thomas & special guest Avery Jenkins are set to be present at The Texas Open & Spring Festival, National Collegiate Disc Golf Championships, Bowling Green AMs & The Utah Open.


The Discmania road warriors will pack the newest and freshest Discmania gear alongside a huge selection of our discs for each Flying Circus event. Our disc specialists are there to help you find the right Discmania disc for you to Reinvent your game.

Registration & payments

Participation to the Flying Circus events is free, but there's a small charge for radar gun challenge & small group clinics, if you choose to take part in those. The Distance showcase is open for all, free of charge. The events don't require pre-registration, but we highly encourage all attendees to join their local Flying Circus facebook event, to give us an idea on how many attendees will show up. The FB-events can be found from the Discmania FB-page and we'll update the links to each event also on this page.

Social media

For updates about the Flying Circus Tour and more, follow Discmania & Simon Lizotte on social media:

Discmania on facebook | Lizotte Disc Golf on facebook | Discmania on instagram | Simon Lizotte on instagram

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