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Discmania TRX-1 hits the shelves in Europe

Last August, Discmania CEO Jussi Meresmaa dropped the news about an all-new Discmania shoe specifically designed for turf TeePads. We are proud and honoured to say that the release of the Discmania TRX-1 is finally very close to reality. The official release date for the TRX-1 is April 1st and starting that date the shoe will available through many of our European retailers. Find the list of retailers later in this article.

The Features

water-resistant-icon_25  Water resistant

The TRX-1 is coated with a water-resistant membrane that helps you to keep your shoes dry when the elements are harsh.

  Reinforced tip

The tip of the shoe has been structurally reinforced to withstand wear and to provide support.

  Optimal grip on turf TeePads

The sole of the shoe is designed to allow optimal grip on artificial grass surface.

  Course-credible design

With timeless black-grey design, these shoes are sure to turn some heads!

sizes-icon_25  Sizing

Available in sizes 40-45 EUR, 7-11,5 US.

[gallery link="file" ids="4339,4338,4335,4336,4334,4337"]

Something new for Discmania

Being a disc manufacturer, we naturally pay close attention on what type equipment disc golfers around the world use in both casual and tournament play. As many of our followers already know, we are highly involved with the DiscGolfPark -concept, which has been one of the key elements in the growth of Disc Golf in Northern Europe and beyond. Contrary to traditional concrete, the material we use for our DiscGolfPark TeePads is artificial grass. This design decision has proven not only very highly appreciated among players, but it has also slowly turned to a standard in all new Disc Golf course projects in Europe.

With the playing field set around this element, so-to-speak, it made perfect sense for us to create something designed truly for this sport. The Discmania TRX-1 is designed to be used on turf, providing the optimal amount traction even in wet conditions. The sole itself is a touch softer than in your regular trail running shoe, helping the shoe grip to its surface more securely. Subsequently, we do not recommend using the TRX-1 on concrete teepads, as the soles are likely to wear down faster than with shoes that are designed for tougher surfaces.

"It's a new world, but I believe we done our homework well", says Jussi Meresmaa referring to the all new product range for Discmania. "We did not simply take a ready-made design and slap a logo on it, the shoe itself saw many different design phases and prototypes until we were satisfied with the final product", Jussi adds. "It's a matter of growing importance to be able to serve our customers with a wide range of Disc Golf -specific products and to show the businesses that already retail our products that Discmania and the sport of Disc Golf should be taken as seriously as any other sport out there", Jussi concludes.

Available in sporting goods stores & web shops

The initial release of the TRX-1 will happen in Europe, starting on the 1st of April. Below you can find a list of our retailers carrying the new Discmania shoe.

Finland - Budget Sport stores:

Espoo, Jyväskylä, Kouvola, Kuopio, Lempäälä, Lielahti, Oulu, Pori, Raisio, Tammisto

Finland - City Sport stores:

Oulu, Rovaniemi

Finland - Intersport stores:

Asema-aukio (Jyväskylä), Elovainio (Ylöjärvi), Forum (Helsinki), Hyvinkää, Imatra, Kajaani, Kokkola, Kuopio (Haapaniemenkatu), Karisma (Lahti), Valo (Lahti), Koskikeskus (Tampere), Lielahti (Tampere), Länsikeskus (Turku), Mikkeli, Myllymäki, Nummela, Rauma, Savonlinna, Seinäjöki, Siilinjärvi, Skanssi (Turku), Turtola (Tampere), Urheilu-Rintamäki (Oulu), Vaasa, Ylivieska

Finland - Kesport stores:

Alajärvi, Kankaanpää, Kauhajoki, Nilsiä, Parkano, Varkaus, Äänekoski

Finland - Top Sport stores:

Ideapark (Lempäälä), Jumbo (Vantaa), Jyväskylä, Kaari (Helsinki), Pori, Porvoo, Sello (Espoo)

Finland - Sportia stores:

Loimaa, Vääksy

Finland - Prisma department stores:

Selected stores

Finland - other stores:

Elmo Sport Kalajoki, Frisbeepoint, Powergrip, InnovaStore, Kuntopolku Peurunka, Neste Kuhmoinen, Palettisport Kyyjärvi, RM-vauhtipyörä Mikkeli, Urheilu Kontti Heinola


Team Sportia Landskrona, Team Sportia Stenungsund, Discsport.se





Due to the concrete nature of the majority of the teepads used in the US, the TRX-1 will only be available in limited numbers in the North American markets. The US release through Discmania Store will follow later this spring.


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