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Discmania’s Key Putters: P1x vs. P2 vs. P3x

Tour / Promotions

In disc golf, it doesn’t matter if you can drive 400 feet on every hole if you can’t convert the putt. Having confidence inside the circle when you’re aiming for the basket is key to success at any level.

While we have a handful of putter options at Discmania, there are three that rise to the top: the Discmania P1x, P2, and P3x. All three share some characteristics, but also differ enough to give you a nice variety to pick from.

We feel that regardless of your putting style one of these putters will help reinvent your game.

Discmania P2, P3x, P1x

Discmania P1x (Beaded)

Flight Ratings: 2, 3, 0, 0

Discmania P1x

The P1x is a traditional style putter. It has a deep feel, along with a bead. That deep feeling helps provide a noticeable amount of glide to the P1x.

Spin putters can expect their putting distance to greatly increase by using the P1x. Minimal effort is needed to get the P1x to fly straight regardless of your putting style. The straight flight helps your mental game as your an aim right at the chains.

Simon Lizotte loves the feel of the bead in his hand and said his accuracy went up when he switched to putting with the P1x.

For the player who needs a bead, but doesn’t want to sacrifice glide, the P1x is your ticket to a higher putting percentage.

Discmania P2 (Beadless)

Flight Ratings: 2, 3, 0, 1

Discmania P2

The P2 is our most popular putter and one of the most popular putters in the game, per Infinite Discs and others. This is our flagship disc. It’s not only a great putting putter, but thrower as well. While the P2 is beadles, the shape of the wing was crafted to add stability.

Reliable fade, combined with strong glide make the P2 a dream putter for many. The lack of a bead can be a pro or con for you. Some like how the bead fits into the hand, but others find that it gets in the way. If you have wanted the stability that many beaded putters bring, but without the feature itself, the P2 is worth a look.

Some find the P2 to be too deep for their liking. Being comfortable with your putter is vital. Pick up one to give it a test. Confidence is everything.

Eagle McMahon and Colten Montgomery are two members of Team Discmania who use the P2. Montgomery, a spin putter says, “it has just the right amount of stability to handle my spin putt”.

The P2 performs for any style of putt under the sun. It’s combination glide, fade and feel might just be unmatched.

Discmania P3x (Big Bead)

Flight Ratings: 3, 2, 0, 3

The P3x is the newest putter in the family and received a warm welcome from many on Team Discmania. You’ll notice that the P3x has a fade of 3, this means it is quite overstable and more avertable than the P1x and P2. Currently only available, D- and S-Line, means that if you’re using it for putting you should go for the D-Line.

This is a great choice for the spin putters out there. The low profile not only feels great in your hand, it can handle some wind blown it’s way. If you’ve found the P1x or the P2 too deep, the P3x might feel more comfortable. Push putters might find it a little too shallow, but it is worth a look.

Discmania’s Nate Perkins says that the P3x was meant for his fast spin putt. Perkins knew it was going to be his putter from the first time he put the D-Line in his hand.

In a recent poll of Team Discmania, more than two thirds preferred putting with the P2 over anything else.

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