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New Signature Series: Swirly S-Line FD3 Doom Bird 2

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One of the most popular signature series discs Discmania has released was the Doom Bird. The signature disc for Team Discmania’s Simon Lizotte was a hit not only with Lizotte himself, but disc golfers around the world. This year, we are releasing the Discmania Swirly S-Line FD3 Lizotte Doom Bird 2 and this one could even be better than it’s predecessor.

Designed for Lizotte’s Strengths

The strength of Lizotte’s arm is known around disc golf. It takes a special disc to stand up to what Lizotte can put into it.

The Doom Bird 2 comes in our popular Swirly S-Line plastic and was built with a little bit of a dome in it than previous runs. This dome gives it the feel of a “super beefy PD” — something that many PD lovers desire. You’ll see plenty of stability you can trust at high speeds and a reliable fade on every throw.

While testing these, Lizotte stated these are the most overstable FD3s he’s ever throw.

Tested by Lizotte

After Lizotte got his hands on the Doom Bird 2 for the first time, he took to the course and couldn’t help himself. From hyzers, flex shots, anhyzers, or forehand throws, the Doombird II kept finding the chains.

How to Purchase a Doom Bird 2

Simon Lizotte will receive a substantial portion of all sales of the Discmania S-Line Lizotte Doom Bird 2.

The Doom Bird 2 goes on sale Friday morning US time June 15 on the Discmania Store and Discmania Dealer Store.

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