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From Combine to Tour: Dustin Ryalls is Making Moves

Disc Life

Being on Team Discmania is a dream for many disc golfers around the world. Dustin Ryalls is one of the newest team members after winning the 2017 Discmania Combine in Georgia and making it through the interview phase.

Ryalls began playing disc golf in 2008 when his uncle introduced him to the sport, but stopped a few years later. He found disc golf again after a co-worker invited him out to play in 2015 and he was hooked yet again. The very next day he went to their local shop, bought a bag and discs and has been playing ever since.

We talked with Ryalls to hear about joining Team Discmania and his plans for the season.

What Discmania disc has reinvented your game?

The First Run C-line PD. They are super flat and have a very reliable left finish in any wind. I recently have been messing with the new Metal Flake PD.They have amazing glide and are straight for me.

Honestly, I use a PD for almost anything. I really like using them for low ceiling shots. They are a fast disc, so if I throw my beat in one with a flat angle, it glides for days. It will flip turn a little and nestle up perfectly. I can use the PD anywhere for 250’ shots to 400’ shots. They are super versatile which is why I love them!

What is your best disc golf memory?

Winning the Combine event. This had been a huge goal for me from the day Discmania's Austin Montgomery said I should attend a Combine. It was so great to see all my hard work pay off and it eventually earned me a spot on the best disc golf team in the world.

Why Team Discmania?

It is a great up and coming disc golf company that I believe has potential to be the best on the market. I also love how the Discmania family is small and everyone knows everyone. If you need something, Discmania hooks it up. It is nice knowing that you have a sponsor that will actually support you when needed.

How did you get to join the team?

I started by applying on the Discmania website in 2015. This led to me getting an email reply back from Austin stating that I should really attend a combine event. I did not get to attend one until 2017 in Marietta, GA. It was one of the best disc golf experiences I have ever had. The competition was great. Also, Avery Jenkins and the crew were very welcoming to all the players that attended. The competition was also good. I took the win at the combine event, which got me a phone interview with Austin and a couple weeks later I got a call saying welcome to Team Discmania. It had been a goal since Kyle Sawtelle gave me my first Discmania disc in 2015 and I put that application in.

Describe your experience of the Combine and the months following.

The Combine event was amazing. This was the first trip I took by myself to another state as well, so that was awesome. We started in the morning with a field event, which was up shots from 100 feet to 300 feet. I slacked on this event a little but still got a good amount of points. The second event was putting which sometimes is my strong suit. I scored the most points out of the group on that event.

The third event was the long distance competition. They create a fairway that is 25’ wide. You have three shots. If you land in the middle of the fairway, you get to keep your total distance thrown, but if your disc lands for example 10 feet outside the fairway you get your distance minus 10 feet. I threw my personal distance record of 534’ and landed in the middle of the fairway.

Our fourth event was an 18-hole round at the course we were at which was awesome. I played decent and got to play with some awesome people. Overall, the vibes were positive everything about the Combine was great and I would do it again if I could!


What is the best thing about being on the team?

Stuff like this interview. Getting some recognition for the hard work I put in to have my chance to be on the team. It is also great because the Team is not huge like some other companies so everyone knows everyone. I am very glad and humbled to have the chance to represent Discmania.

What can we be looking forward to Dustin in the future season?

My goal this year is to play as many Florida events as possible and try to make it out to my first Pro Worlds.

Currently, I am finishing school to be an Emergency Medical Technician who are the people who drive the ambulances and help save lives. I start Fire Academy in September, which is going to give me some time to play some events locally and out of state hopefully. In addition, I am considering trying to Monday qualify this year at the United States Disc Golf Championships. I think that would be awesome if I get to play that event.

Keep an eye out for Ryalls in the years to come. Going from Combine to Team Discmania is no small feat. It won't be long until you see his name along side the sport's best.

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