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Signature Series: Color Glow MD3 McMahon Crowned Eagle

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When the Eagle McMahon signature Glow MD3 was released, it quickly became one of our most popular midranges. We knew it would be hard to top, but we did exactly that.

Meet the Crowned Eagle MD3. This new signature disc for McMahon comes in the great Color Glow C-Line plastic. McMahon has been throwing these for a few weeks as it helped him win the 2018 Glass Blown Open.


Flight of the Crowned Eagle

McMahon has reported a stable-to-overstable flight, especially for disc golfers with strong arms. Many should see the Crowned Eagle as a perfect selection for straight shots with a small fade or controlled hyzers and anhyzers. Yes, nearly every shot you could ask for from one disc.

McMahon has been at the top of the disc golf scene all season and the Crowned Eagle has certainly helped him reach those top finishes.


New Signature Stamp

The stamp for the Crowned Eagle was produced by Manuel "Manny" Trujillo. McMahon was actively involved to help produce artwork that stands out and conveys the focus that McMahon carries on the course.


How to Order a Crowned Eagle

This is your chance to directly support McMahon. He’ll receive a substantial portion of all Crowned Eagle sales.

The Crowned Eagle will be released on Tuesday May 8th. Check the availability at your favorite Discmania dealer. You can also get yours online from the Discmania store (worldwide shipping) or from the InnovaStore (ships within EU).

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