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2020 Season Preview - Eagle McMahon

Disc Life

Team Discmania’s Eagle McMahon has had a lot of time to relax, reflect, and prepare for the 2020 disc golf season. After his hand injury at the 2019 USDGC, McMahon was forced to slow down and rest before gearing back up in the recent weeks.

Each and every day over the last few months McMahon has taken one step forward to getting back into the feeling of the disc golf life. He’s healthy and ready to go.

“The hand is all better,” McMahon says. “I have no concerns, but some thoughts are in the back of my head. Good thoughts to help make the right decision.”

In the last few years, McMahon has started his season pretty early with the traditional Wintertime Open or Las Vegas Challenge. Due to the later start on training this year, he’s opting out of those two events and will begin his 2020 campaign in Arizona at the Memorial Championships.

McMahon has very few concerns about starting his season at such a big tournament. He has finished 1st or 2nd at the Memorial in each of the last two years.

“A lot of the holes are in my wheelhouse,” McMahon says about his recent success. “The distance is perfect for my game and my accuracy is very strong at those distances. I can throw the FD3s, PDs, and other discs forehand or backhand all day.”

Along side grabbing a few wins, McMahon had two clear ideas behind what would make 2020 a successful season, “First, I don’t want to have left anything out on the table. I want to make the best decision all the time without any regrets. I also want to enjoy myself. I want to be happy where I’m at and when I’m out on the course be having some fun.”

Helping him have some fun is his new Discmania Razor Claw Tactic. The new putter-midrange type disc was initially released in the 2019 Mystery Boxes has turned into one of his favorite discs.

“I’m throwing it around 60% of the time on all my shots,” McMahon says about his new signature disc. “I can throw it on short distances very accurately, but I love to power up on it. It’s the disc that I’ve been looking for for just about any shot. Everyone will be seeing that disc fly quite a bit.”

Along with looking to have a little fun on the course, McMahon will have his camera along with him and will be vlogging throughout the 2020 season.

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