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A New DiscGolfPark® Website

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There is no off season in the course creation game. This is a year-round business that has course projects starting and finishing every month of the year. This winter, we had a different type of project in the works, one that ultimately will help us continue to grow disc golf all over the world. We are happy to announce the completion of this project and share with you our brand new, beautiful website www.discgolfpark.com


What exactly is DiscGolfPark®?

Before taking a closer look at our exciting news, it is important to know what exactly we mean when we say DiscGolfPark. DiscGolfPark is a unique disc golf course concept that was developed in Finland back in 2005. Included in the concept is professional course design, Targets, TeeSigns, InfoBoard, course mapping (signage graphics) and TeePads. DiscGolfPark was established to promote and grow disc golf around the world. DiscGolfPark is based on the following values: naturality, versatility, and affordability.


Keeping it in the family: Järva DiscGolfPark

Previously, our partners at the world renown Järva DiscGolfPark, called discgolfpark.com their web home. The switch was a collaborative effort and you will now be able to find the legendary Järva DiscGolfPark online at jarva.discgolfpark.com.


Team effort leads us to reinvent slogan

To go along with our new website, we have also adopted a new slogan: “World Leader in Disc Golf Courses”. As of today, you can find DiscGolfPark courses all over the world. We currently have offices in United States, Finland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Germany and Australia. Furthermore, we have trained course designers throughout these countries and nearly everywhere in between. With this network in place, we have established almost 500 DiscGolfPark courses in the world. It is the hard work of this network that has lead us to confidently call DiscGolfPark the world leader in disc golf courses.


Lots of new functionalities

The website has undergone some major upgrading from our .net days. Some new functionalities that you will notice include:






DiscGolfPark designer portfolio


Course classification system to make US debut

New to the United States is the introduction of course classifications. We have used this system in Europe to classify courses based on the challenge they offer and how well they are equipped. For example, our challenge classification uses a lettering system which ranges from AAA to D. To be AAA classified, the course is a full length competition level course, while a D course is a short beginner friendly course.

We also have an equipment classification, which has three levels: 1,2,3. We use numbers 1-3 to define how well the course is equipped. A level 1 course has official targets, tee pads, a signage system and regular maintenance. This means that a level 1 course is a joy to play and easy to navigate on. A level 3 course only has targets. DiscGolfParks are mostly considered level 1 courses.

Courtesy of discgolfpark.com.

Courtesy of discgolfpark.com.


How to get a DiscGolfPark

No matter your location in the world, we want to help you with your next course project. Fill out a form under our "Contact" section. You can click what type of project you're interested learning more about and one of our representatives will follow up with you shortly. We want to hear from you, even if it is a course lead in its beginning stages or if it is a project that is in the works and needs a professional touch. This is a great tool to easily pass on to a city, park district or private recreation facility that is considering disc golf.


Keeping in touch

Also launching with the new website is our DiscGolfPark newsletter. This will be a monthly publication that will share content such as; golf course design, course maintenance, exclusive content and statistics about the state of disc golf around the world.


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