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An interview with the United States Disc Golf Champion, Will Schusterick

As anyone who's been paying any attention to PDGA tour this year knows, Team Discmania's Will Schusterick has had a phenomenal year with 2 Major titles and several other wins in and out of United States. Early this month Will became the first person after Ken "the Champ" Climo to repeat his victory in Disc Golf world's most prestigious event, the United States Disc Golf Championships.

Will Schusterick USDGC Champion 2012

We had the opportunity to ask some questions from the young man himself about the USDGC and beyond. Read the interview below:

1. Congrats for the great win at USDGC! You're the first mortal to repeat his title after Ken Climo. How does it feel like being compared to the Champ himself?

- It is hard to compare myself to the Champ right now, maybe in the future hopefully, but he has so many accomplishments it is going to take a lot of practice to get there!

2. At which point did you know the title was yours?

- I was only sure I had the title when I made my last putt. There was a lot of back and fourth going on between me and Ricky anything could have happened.

3. How do feel about the OB rule change this year? Would you consider it helped you win the title on contrary? Would you like to see the same rule in effect in other tournaments?

- I was not a huge fan of the rule change this year. I would not want to think that it "helped" me win this year. Since usually the person who wins the tournament does not go OB anyways. I would like to see the same rules as everywhere in the country which would be standard OB rules.

4. Are you still heading on the road or is it time to take a little break after an achievement like that?

- Being on the road and taking a break sometimes go hand-in-hand. I will have a lot of time in the winter to reflect on my achievements from this year and look forward into next year.

5. What does your tour schedule look like for 2013? Many international tournaments? Which ones are you looking forward the most?

- I hope for many international tournaments! In 2013 I am hopefully going to pick and choose 25-30 of the best tournaments to go to (maybe less) and really focus on each one. I woud like to be able to slow down on playing every weekend and actually be 100% focused on every tournament. Its hard to do that when every day your either traveling or playing.

6. Which Discmania models do you use the most and for what type of shots?

- During the USDGC I used a lot of the C-Line DD for long drives that were also needing accuracy. I practiced with it for a couple weeks and really trusted the way that it flew. I also threw the C-Line Signature Will Schusterick First Run PD for dead straight/turnover drives. I felt very confident pulling out both of those discs.

7. Who do you consider to be your worst (best) competitor on the course?

- There are so many good players these days that its hard to beat anybody if your not ready to play.

8. Any tips for upcoming Disc Golfers on how to get out there and start winning titles?

- Go out and play as much as you can. Throw as many shots as you can, putt as much possible until your body won't allow you to do anymore.

Will Schusterick, Team Discmania

You heard the man, so get out and practice! Once again congrats Will for an amazing season so far!


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