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Bootcamp training in Switzerland underway for Lizotte, McMahon

Happy new year! Everyone is patiently waiting for the 2018 season to kick off. We’re all looking forward to following the action on the courses again, or in our case, be a part of it. Eagle McMahon and I really want to take it to the next level this year so Discmania decided to send us all the way to Switzerland to start bootcamp training with G-Balance Disc Golf. We have a training plan and schedule specifically made for Eagle and I.

While focusing on speed, coordination, flexibility, and strength we have five weeks ahead of us filled with work, pain, sweat, and hopefully, fun and improvement. We are doing this to elevate our game. We have the skills. We have the ability it takes at the top level. What we need is consistency. Our trainers, Andreas and Irene, are working with us daily to improve our health. From personal training sessions, runs, mental coaching, and nutritional advice, they are doing their best to make us understand how our bodies work and how we can make ourselves into throwing machines... that’s exactly what we need to be out there, a machine.

On tour, it’s very difficult to consistently eat right or work out regularly. It’s important that we get in shape now to handle the traveling, the weekly competing, and all the stress that comes with it. Physical fitness and mental strength can really go hand in hand.

Besides our physical activities here, our main goal is to understand and learn about our bodies. It’s one thing to know that working out and the right nutrition is good for you, but it's another to understand why.

In addition to the training, we also receive homework each week leading up to a presentation by Eagle and I. We’ve been here for one week now. It’s very crazy to see how different us two are. Things that are easy for me are tough for Eagle and the other way around. Usually we’re competing against each other out on the course, but now we’re working together every day to become faster, stronger, and just all around fitter people.

The hopes are high for this year so we are really taking the off season seriously and using the time to work on our weaknesses. You could say while many are still waiting for the season to start, we're already one week into our 2018 season.


Review from week 1

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