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C-PD2 goes OOP, introducing S-PD2

Discmania C-line PD2 Chaos

Unfortunately we have to start out with some bad news: Innova has stated it is no longer able to mold* our speed-12 meathook driver PD2 (Chaos) in it's stable and durable C-line configuration. The reason for discontinuing the popular model is that the mold takes a lot of the material in the wings, making the top thin enough to allow dents. This causes a lot of warped discs and keeping it in production just isn't worth the trouble, since the amount of generated trash plastic is too big.

Now we know there's a lot of big arms out there who enjoy the beefy, take-no-prisoners flight pattern of the C-PD2. The good news is that P-PD2 will stay in production. Even more good news is that we are announcing PD2 in popular S-line to replace the now out-of-production C-PD2. The S-PD2 will be available with the Chaos -stamp in the U.S. & Asia & Australia and with special Seppo Paju signature stamp in Europe. Some of these signature S-PD2's will also be available in the Flymart at Memorial Championships, so be sure to check those out!

Discmania PD2 Chaos

There's also fair amount C-PD2's still around, so you should still have plenty of time to stock up on the Chaos in C-line. Check our retailers for availability. If you weren't familiar with the C-PD2 until this point, we recommend you snatch yourself one or two: with the durable C-line material these discs wear slowly and stay beefy for ages. With added future collectible value these discs are solid investments for those windy days ;)

-The Staff

*(In case you didn't know: Our discs are manufactured by Innova Champion Discs in California, USA)
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