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Celebrating Discmania’s move from California to Colorado

Tour / Promotions

We have been settling into our new home in Colorado for a few weeks and we couldn’t be happier with our new surroundings. The community of Wellington has been extremely welcoming and we can already tell this is a perfect home for us.

You might have seen some of our previously released Discmania Colorado series of discs. Today, we’re releasing our next limited edition stamp to recognize this move to the Centennial State.

The stamp is designed for us by Thought Space Athletics. 

At the Discmania Store, three of our popular discs are getting a special CA2CO stamp. This awesome artwork will adorn the C-Line MD4, D-Line P3x, and S-Line FD. Act fast before these are gone. Dealers in the United States will also be able to make custom orders with this stamp.

Discs are also available in the EU at InnovaStore with a number of discs also stamped with the CA2CO stamp. Note that the selection varies between stores.

If you miss out at the Discmania Store, check your local Discmania dealer to see what they have in stock.

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