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Most Disc golf courses remain open* during COVID-19 outbreak - Instructions for players

*(National and regional restrictions may apply - please check the latest information from your local healthcare officials)

In many countries across the world, governments have set strict restrictions on the use of public spaces amidst the coronavirus outbreak. Cultural attractions, sports centers, and libraries are closed in many cities and countries all across the world. Public gatherings are capped at just 10 people in many places.

Disc golf courses, however, are kept open, at least in many parts of the world for recreational use. With a vast network of courses available across the globe, disc golf offers a great way to enjoy the outdoors and practice social distancing while not being stuck at home. 

"While playing disc golf, at least for the time being, it is highly advisable to keep a safe distance with other players, keep the group sizes small, and to practice diligence in hygiene to avoid the spreading of the disease. It’s also worth noting that transportation to the courses near you is safer when done by your own vehicle or bike, instead of mass transport."

Outdoor recreation and physical exercise during these tumultuous times is highly advisable and works wonders for your mental and physical well-being, as long as going outside is not restricted in your area. Disc golf presents a great way to stay active, even by yourself. Most courses around the world are very accessible for locals and provide a great sanctuary for staying active in otherwise fairly passive time.

Here are some simple instructions for disc golfers during the Covid-19 outbreak:

• Wash your hands regularly with soap for at least 20 seconds at a time

• This should be done especially after returning inside from outdoors, after going to the bathroom and after you’ve coughed or sneezed

• If you don’t have water and soap at your exposal, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer

• Avoid handshakes and high fives with the people you’re playing with

• Cover your mouth with a disposable tissue when coughing or sneezing. Throw all used tissues to the trash immediately.

• If you don’t have a tissue, cough in your sleeve rather than your hands

• The coronavirus symptoms are the following: fever, dry cough, sore throat and difficulty breathing in severe cases

• If you’re experiencing mild symptoms and you’re not a member of the at-risk groups, in most cases a visit to the doctor is not necessary. Staying home until you are better is mandatory in these cases

• You should only seek help from the healthcare professionals if your condition doesn’t allow you to cope by staying at home and treating the symptoms by yourself

• Refraining from seeking medical attention in mild cases is important in order to keep the healthcare system from being overburdened

• This ensures that those in need of acute medical attention can get help quickly

• Even if you’re experiencing very mild respiratory problems, the best advice is to stay home and avoid physical contact

• Limit your contact with course equipment when teeing off and removing the disc from the target

• When playing disc golf, touch only your own discs, don’t borrow discs from friends and keep a safe distance at all times

• Remember to stay positive, enjoy the game and the outdoors!

It's very important that before you go out, check your national or local guidelines about this situation. We encourage all disc golfers to obey the necessary rules to avoid this global disease to spread.

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